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You're viewing Odoru Made In Wario Cheat Codes

Game Name : Odoru Made In Wario
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2008-01-03 14:45:06
Views : 22857

There are six Minigames to unlock, which will appear on the left side of the map screen.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Balloon TripFinish Dr Crygor's workout stage
Block StarFinish Young Cricket's Microgames
Can ShooterFinish Ashley's Microgames
Pyoro SPlay every microgame from every character
Tortoise & HareFinish Orbulon's Microgames
Tower TennisFinish Kat & Ana's Microgames

Elephant Buildings
The buildings are unlocked in a chain after finishing the story mode.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
All Mixed Up Building (random microgames)Finish the last stage (Tiny Wario)
Sudden Death Building (one life)Get 20 or more points on the Super Hard Building
Super Hard Building (very fast)Get 30 or more points on the Mixed Up Building
Thrilling (no Form cards)Get 10 or more points on the Sudden Death Building

Multiplayer Modes
Unlock Multiplayer mode by beating Tiny Wario's stage in Single Player, then go to the Main Menu and select Multi.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BalloonPlay a game of Lifeline
BombPlay a game of Survival
Bungee BuddiesPlay a game of Star Nose
DartsUnlock Multiplayer (Beat Tiny Wario's Stage)
LifelinePlay a game of Bomb
Star NosePlay a game of Darts
SurvivalUnlock Multiplayer (Beat Tiny Wario's Stage)

Control title screen
Hold the Wiimote towards the title screen, with the buttons facing the screen. Wave it back and forth and you can make little images appear. Move the pointer on Wario's mustache and you can pull it.

Gameplay modes
Unlockable gameplay modes:
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Movie Theatre modePlay Wario's stage
Multiplayer ModeFinish the Single-player game
Sound StudioFinish at least 20 games in succession on Trilling mode
Temple Of FormPlay at least one Microgame

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